Welcome Facemouse! I'm looking forward to reading your posts. And thank you to Yknot for being so welcoming to new ones. You did this for me too. It was so sweet!
Mrs. Fiorini
JoinedPosts by Mrs. Fiorini
Newbie Welcome...Facemouse !!!
by yknot infacemouse made their debut on the "fallout from gb anti-college letter this will cause problems!
' thread !.
Lets list everything that has pagan origins!!
by song19 ini have a feeling i am going to have to explain to my jw folks why i have decided to allow my children to participate in holidays at school.
theyll probably be wondering too why i will get together with our non jw family for the holidays.. .
we know jws avoid holidays because of their pagan origins.
Mrs. Fiorini
Surprisingly even some parts of the Bible have pagan origins. According to the book "Psalms For All Seasons" by John F. Craghan, an associate professor of religious studies at St. Norbert College in Wisconsin, the first several verses of Psalm 19 "was originally a pagan hymn honoring the Semitic god El." And he says of Psalm 29, "Scholars generally agree that this Psalm was originally a pagan composition extolling the Canaanite god Baal, the weather god who through storms and rains brings fertility to the earth...In appropriating this hymn for her worship, Israel substituted the name of her god Yahweh (translated "the Lord") for that of Baal."
Wow-I didn't know.
by QuestioningEverything ini am shocked and saddened by the things that i have learned from this website and a few others i've seen.
my grandma was a witness and my mom started to study seriously when i was 8 yrs.
i was baptised at 13-way too young.
Mrs. Fiorini
Welcome and congratulations. The fact that you can face this is a testament to your character and integrity.
Re- registered to vote
by Quester55 ini can no longer be among the ranks of the whining, complaining and naysayers who do not vote in our national elections.
what individuals choose to do according to free will is their own business.
i heard soeting somewhere that has continued to prick my consciense for a long time.
Mrs. Fiorini
Congratulations! I remember the first time I ever voted. It felt so good, especially after being told I couldn't for all those years. And you are right. It's a civic responsibility. In a democracy it can and does make a difference. Anybody who doesn't believe that need look no further than the last seven years.
Have u found friendships w/ worldy people be hard?
by blkblk13 inso, i'm embarking on slow fade and i think it's time for me to start making friends w/ some non-jdubs so that i'll have a support network once i decide to be completely out and everyone ive ever known abandons me.
ive always gotten along much better w/ wordly people than jdubs so i'll haveno problem securing friends but im concerned about being to keep them.. i want out of the org for various reasons but i must admit i still believe many of the teachings.
i just think the leadership and organization itself is corrupt.
Mrs. Fiorini
You should never have to change who you really are to fit in. A true friend will accept you whether you celebrate holidays or not. I found that when I left the Watchtower I rejected most of their views, but kept some. Once you get away from the Watchtower propaganda you can decide for yourself what makes sense to you. And your friends will be interested in what you think and the things that make you unique. I have also found that I am less trustful of friends since leaving, and have had a harder time making them because of it. The conditional relationships in the Watchtower organization and the rejection faced from them when you no longer believe the way they do takes its toll. It has taken me some time to get to the point of having friends that I believe will love me unconditionally.
Have u found friendships w/ worldy people be hard?
by blkblk13 inso, i'm embarking on slow fade and i think it's time for me to start making friends w/ some non-jdubs so that i'll have a support network once i decide to be completely out and everyone ive ever known abandons me.
ive always gotten along much better w/ wordly people than jdubs so i'll haveno problem securing friends but im concerned about being to keep them.. i want out of the org for various reasons but i must admit i still believe many of the teachings.
i just think the leadership and organization itself is corrupt.
Mrs. Fiorini
You should never have to change who you really are to fit in. A true friend will accept you whether you celebrate holidays or not. I found that when I left the Watchtower I rejected most of their views, but kept some. Once you get away from the Watchtower propaganda you can decide for yourself what makes sense to you. And your friends will be interested in what you think and the things that make you unique.
workplace update
by alone inregarding my workplace drama....to update....tuesday night i went to work, gerry was there, i only said hello as he did, vince came in 10 minutes before it was time to go home.
i went into his office & asked to speak with him.
i explained my point of view, regarding my expectations as far a treatment of employers/employees (see last post).
Mrs. Fiorini
Good for you for taking a risk and standing up for yourself!
New Member...Mrs. Fiorini
by yknot inshe made her debut on "keep yourselves in god's love: birthday thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/159047/2.ashx).
here is a copy of her brief introduction and comment.
hello everyone, i have been reading jwd for awhile and enjoying everyone's comments.
Mrs. Fiorini
Thanks again for the welcome. Gregor, I'm not Carly Fiorina of HP fame. (Too bad, I could use the money.) Witness 007, It's true I don't actually "know" any of you from reading your posts, but I do feel like I'm somewhat acquainted with people here, and after the warm welcome, feel part of the group. No one has offended me yet. For one thing I'm not the easily offended type. For another, I like to give people who have gone through the Watchtower experience a pretty wide berth in trying to deal with that. It's not the easiest thing to wrap your head around and move on from, and I'm glad this is an accepting forum to allow people that space. Thanks to all for participating and making this possible.
New Member...Mrs. Fiorini
by yknot inshe made her debut on "keep yourselves in god's love: birthday thread (http://www.jehovahs-witness.com/6/159047/2.ashx).
here is a copy of her brief introduction and comment.
hello everyone, i have been reading jwd for awhile and enjoying everyone's comments.
Mrs. Fiorini
Thank you for the warm welcome! I've been reading for several months now and feel like I know some of you. Your posts have been informative, encouraging and heartwarming. Thank you for sharing them. I am looking forward to being part of this forum. Mrs. Fiorini
Keep Yourselves In God's Love: Why Birthdays are from the Devil
by truthseeker inyes folks, if you thought the watchtower would lighten up on birthdays think again.... .
Mrs. Fiorini
Hello Everyone, I have been reading JWD for awhile and enjoying everyone's comments. I decided to sign on today with a comment of my own that I thought some of you might find interesting. After being raised a Witness I left in 1989 when I realized it was not "the truth" after all. After some years of having no religion I joined a Catholic Church and participated in a parish Bible study. At the time we were studying the Psalms and used a book called "Psalms For All Seasons" by John F. Craghan (1993 Liturgical Press) as a resource. Imagine my shock when we read the author's comments about Psalm 19, that it was "originally a pagan hymn honoring the Semitic god El...In its Israelite form the hymn naturally praises the God of Israel." Or his comments on Psalm 29 as follows, "Scholars generally agree that this Psalm was originally a pagan composition extolling the Canaanite god Baal, the weather god who through storms and rains brings fertility to the earth...The heavenly beings in verse 1 were originally the minor gods of the Canaanite pantheon. In appropriating this hymn for her worship, Israel substituted the name of her god Yahweh (translated "the Lord") for that of Baal." (In the New World Translation heavenly beings is translated sons of strong ones.) No one else in the Bible study even thought twice about those statements but I nearly fell out of my chair! I chuckled about it for weeks. Needless to say, any condemnation from the WT about holidays and pagan customs and what God must think of them appears in a whole new light for me now.